16 March 2020
Afhanistan's Major General addresses MoI and National Police via Codan Rios
As part of his annual commemoration of Soldiers Day in February, Afghanistan’s Minister of Interior, Major General Massoud Andarabi addressed all serving offices in the MoI and National Police (ANP). The message was delivered over multiple communication platforms, frequencies and vendors, this interoperability was made possible by the Codan RIOS solution that has been deployed nationally in Afghanistan.
The Codan RIOS provides interoperability between a range of communications devices, including radios, smartphones and computers, enabling a fully integrated communications network from anywhere in the world. The Codan RIOS is the solution for enabling users with different vendor devices to seamlessly and securely communicate across any platform.
Codan RIOS is deployed in Afghanistan to enable not only interoperability between traditionally independent communication systems, but also secure and reliable communications between several forces within the Afghanistan National Defence Security Forces (ANDSF), resulting in a true nationwide and unified communications solution. Codan also provides in-country support to this solution and is in the process of upgrading the feature set to ensure that the ANDSF has the cutting-edge technology resources to maintain its missions and security requirements.
For more information on Codan RIOS visit www.codancomms.com or contact our sales team on sales@codancomms.com.